Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eucla WA

Upon awaking this morning the weather had done an about face with wild winds predominately the mood of the day.  We made an executive decision to wait another day before venturing on further up the road.  As Jimny was already out and waiting we jumped in and headed to Eucla for a look around. 
The Old Eucla Telegrah Station Ruins
 In the early 1900’s Eucla had a population of 100 and was the busiest telegraph station in Australia beyond the capital cities.  All that remains now of the Eucla telegraph Station is the ruins, originally opened in 1877 it helped link WA with the rest of Australia and the world.  The first message sent to Perth on December 8th 1877 stated “Eucla line opened. Hurrah”. 
Bill teased me a little as to get to Eucla we actually had to pass through the Checkpoint into Western Australia.  Diesel was a little cheaper here at 188 a litre instead of 197 a litre in Border Village.  We tried to find a cave reported to be out on one of the many tracks off the highway but after a few fruitless searches we came out empty.  There was lots of parking and camping spots around however. 
All signs lead to everywhere.  The most important one is Perth 1,462km
These photos were taken outside the Border Village Roadhouse. 
Lots of flowers blooming in the area, with this shrub of yellow bush Boronia featuring a vivid burst of colour in the virgin bush. 
 It smelled divine also. 

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