I had two memorable visits with my Perth sewing ladies and also the Southern Country Quilters regional day, so all in all it was a very successful visit. Now to the serious stuff. We have been busy preparing for the Kalgoorlie rally and as very willing volunteers we have to be there a week early so we will be heading off on Saturday, spending two nights on the road and entering the rally site on Monday. I have been on the website and the programme looks very exciting, we will be on the team cooking and serving 4 nights. I have glanced through and picked out the craft classes I want to do, and now can't wait to catch up with everyone and hopefully make some more new friends. Check out the website fields of gold it's awesome. The weather hasn't been the best the last few days very wet and windy and Esperance even experienced hailstones but today the weather warmed up so a drive along the beach to Cape Le Grand was in order.
The drive was perfect with the striking coloured water contrasted with the pristine white shiny sands and I say shiny because the sand is full of silica and it feels great between your toes.
We espied this tank in the main part of town, there was no plaque or description so have no idea why it is here but it is very interesting.
I would also like you to meet our little friend, he has been visiting us every day on our front window.
He is really quite inquisitive and unusually coloured.

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